# 常见问题
- Failed to open database connection
- 持续显示"Connecting to server..."
- Hand2Note 占用太多空间
- Hand2Note 卡顿或者运行很慢
- 在亚洲扑克室丢失手牌
- Postflop diagrams don't work
# Failed to open database connection
如果在启动软件时出现此问题,这意味着Hand2Note 无法连接到其嵌入式数据库服务器。想此解决问题,请遵循以下步骤:
从Hand2Note安装目录(C:/Program Files/Hand2Note 默认)里删除DbServer.cg 文件。如果没有此文件,请跳过此步骤
如果问题持续出现,那么很可能是你的数据库被污染了。请删除带有数据库的文件夹 (默认位置 C:/Users/YourUsername/AppData/Roaming/Hand2Note/h2ndb) 然后运行软件。 Hand2Note 会重建一个新的数据库。你可以从C:/Hand2noteHH 文件夹中把历史手牌导入到新的数据库中。
# 持续显示"Connecting to server..."
- 检查网络连接情况
- 安装所有的Windows 更新
- 关闭防毒软件
- 重启路由器
- 确认以管理员身份运行Hand2Note
如果这些都没有帮助,那么你可能使用的是老旧的版本。请运行我们网站上新的安装文件重新安装 Hand2Note 。
# Hand2Note 占用太多空间
log 文件 (logs 文件夹)会占用相当可观的空间。
你也可以在设置中关闭logging。请到 Settings → Other options → Logging,然后取消选中所有选项并点击 "Save":
这之后,Hand2Note 只会存储必需的系统logs,这些logs不会占用大量空间。
如果你的数据库很大,它也会占用很大的空间。 你可以 移动数据库到其他硬盘,或者创建新的数据库 然后把相应的手牌导入其中。
# Hand2Note 卡顿或者运行很慢
- 关闭防毒软件或者将Hand2Note 安装文件夹排除在防毒软件清单之外
- 安装所有的Windows 更新
- 更新 Hand2Note 到最高版本
- 删除log 文件,关闭 logging
# 在亚洲扑克室丢失手牌
Hand2Note 团队也在为其稳定性努力地工作着,漏抓的手牌不会超过总手数的1-2% 。漏抓手牌是随机出现的,所以在采样数多的情况下是不会影响数据的准确性。
- 使用稳定的网络连接
- 经常更新 Hand2Note
- 经常更新 Windows
- 把Hand2Note 排除在防毒软件清单之外
- 总是以管理员身份运行 Hand2Note 和模拟器
# Postflop diagrams don't work
If you don't see postflop diagram and hands list in the extended popup on stat, it may happen due to the following reasons:
1. There are no showdowns for the stat
Please note that the diagrams consist of only the hands in which the player reached showdown. If the player folded a hand at some point, we can't know what he had, and such a hand will not be included in a diagram. So in the case of the low sample size, you may not see any hands in the diagram just because there weren't any cases when the player showed his hand face up.
2. Something wrong with the config
If the sample is big enough, but there are still no hands and diagrams in the popup, it could be a config issue. Try to do the following:
Please note that it'll reset your custom postflop diagram settings.
- Delete the C:\Program Files\Hand2Note\Config\PostflopDiagram.cg2 file.
- Delete the C:\Program Files\Hand2Note\Config\FilterGroups folder and put this one (opens new window) instead.
After that, rebuild the stats (Click "Clear stats", then "Build stats" in the starting window).